The Earth is Not Flat.

My name is Beau Gilhousen and I am 27-years old. I was born and raised in Middleburg Florida. An older brother to two younger sisters and a Godfather to my beautiful niece Luna!file My parents are high school sweethearts.file-2 Father was a percussionist and my mother played the flute and piccolo. Growing up my main hobby was music of course. I had learned to appreciate music more and I have taught myself to read music notes and rhythmic notation. My father had me learning to play the drums before I had my first day in kindergarten. I still play and now I use it more of a stress relief and a get away from everyday normal life. My top three genres in music have to be old time, blues, and traditional Irish. My sisters always told me I don’t have a style, I kind of like it, keeps me unique. My junior year in high school I earned my first job working at Publix. file-3I continued working there after I graduated in 2009 and in 2011 I decided to live on my dream to serve my Country in the United States Army. From this point is where I started experiencing hundreds of cultures. The friends I’ve made from all around the world and the opportunities I was given to travel the world. file-1 In the military you get time to sit around on your ass and do absolutely nothing for no reason (If you served then you know what I’m talking about) so that’s when I took the opportunity to download E-Books on my phone. I grew into Thrillers and True-Crime books. It made plane flights seem shorter and the days where you can’t go anywhere you can escape into the books and put yourself in their shoes. Some of the men and woman I served with were from all over the Country and World. I’ve made a few friends who joined and it helped them receive their citizenship after some period of time of enlistment. They never had an issue sharing their life stories and most actually had earned their Bachelors degrees. The countries I’ve been to I would’ve never visited on my own time. One of the first countries I was sent to was Bahrain where I had my first taste in Arabian food. It was really the first time I would consider experiencing a different culture in food since it was actually in country. I was there for a year and as I traveled around I witnessed a new religion and holidays. Ramadan was the Holiday that we were all told to prepare for. Some try to fast all month but those are some who try it as a challenge, the truth is everyone has a large meal in the evening with their family and a family of five meal is something larger than a Golden Carrol buffet. Some other countries I’ve been to; Ireland, UAE, Abu Dhabi, Japan, Amsterdam, Hawaii, Marshall Islands, and Wake Island. Wake Island is now a mid-way point in the Pacific Ocean where military air crafts can land for fuel or maintenance. I have never heard of this Island till I received my orders to go but doing my research it had a great impact on World War ll.file-4 I was sent there to conduct a flight test with the Missile Defense Agency, Lockheed Martin and Raytheon. file (1)The island workers are occupied by Thais. Thai food then became my favorite food for the next six months and it wasn’t because I liked it. I always learned that karaoke is a huge part of the Thai culture and they sing their hearts out! My favorite country and culture I had the opportunity to experience is South Korea. To this day Korean food beats any food genre out of the water. Even including the street food.file-7The way of life and the people over their live so calm. They are so nice to one another and know how to have fun with life. file-6The experiences over the six years I was in I gained I would never trade back. I am now honorably discharged and now perusing my degree in Criminology and becoming a U.S. Marshal or joining the Secret Service. The hard work never stops.

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